Golf & Investment Academy #3

Tip #3: Revisit the Plan

Haney Golf Tip

The same applies in golf. Knowing when to revisit or change your plan is extremely important. The game of every golfer changes over time. For instance, as you age you become less flexible, and you might get a little slower. What was once a strength might have become a weakness. At these moments of change, you need to look at each part of your game and reevaluate your situation.

If you're going to be the best player you can be, you also need to have consistency through your game. The crucial part is being able to diagnose your own game, to see which parts need to be improved. This is where a professional can help you. Knowing when to make changes and knowing what aspects to work on - that’s the real art of teaching.

First Tee Jitters by Hank Haney

I'm sure many readers have experienced first tee jitters. Even the pros, particularly at a big tournament like a major championship, can feel nervous. So how do you combat that anxiety? You have to stick to your routine. My routine is like that of many pros. I start from behind the golf ball and visualize the shot that I want to play. I pick out an intermediate target, line my club up and take a couple of waggles to help free any tension in my body. Then, before I pull the trigger, I think about what I'm trying to do in my golf swing. Whenever you get those first tee jitters make sure you stick to your routine; you'll have a far greater chance of hitting a good shot.

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